Audio Igbo-English Dictionary
Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.
àbálị̀ night
àbànì night
ábụ́ pus
ábụ̀1 song
ábụ̀2 armpit
àbụ̀ both
ábụ́zụ̀ cricket
àchàlà bamboo
àchị̀chà bread
ádá fall
àdá daughter(first born)
áfá divination
áfà name
áfiá market
áfị́fịá grass
áfọ́ stomach, belly
áfọ́ ńjọ̄ meanness
áfọ́ ọ́má kindness
áfụ̀ that
àfụ̀ ọ́nụ̄ beard
áfụ́fụ́ suffering
ágụ̄ cat(wild), leopard
ágụ́ụ̄ hunger
àgbà jaw, chin
àgbàtà óbì neighbor
ághá war
ághị̀ghọ̀ trick
ághụ̀ghọ̀ trick
àgwà1 bean
àgwà2 character
ágwọ́ snake
ágwọ̀ raffia
áhịá market
áhị́hịá grass
áhụ̀ that
àhụ́ health, body
àhụ́ ọ́kụ̄ fever
áhụ́hụ́ suffering
ájā sand
àjà sacrifice
àjàdù widow
ájị́ fur, hair
ájọ̄ evil, bad
ájụ̀ dizziness
ájụ̀jụ́ question
áká hand
ákà coral
áká èkpè left
áká ńnī right hand, right
áká ńrī right hand, right