Audio Igbo-English Dictionary
Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.
ákàlà ákā destiny
àkị́kà termite
ákị́kọ́ news, story
ákị́kọ́-ụ̀wà news
àkọ́ sense
àkùpè fan
ákụ́ palm kernel
àkụ̀ wealth
ákụ́ óyìbó coconut
ákụ́kọ́ news, story
àkpà bag
ákpàtị̀ box
ákpị̀ scorpion
àkpị́lị̄ throat
àkpị́rị̄ throat
ákpụ́ cassava
ákpụ́kpọ́ leather
ákpụ́kpọ́ ụ́kwụ̄ shoe
ákwà cloth
àkwá egg
àkwà bed
ákwálà vein
àkwámózú funeral
ákwárà vein
ákwụ́kwọ́ book, paper, leaf
àkwụ́kwụ̀ epilepsy
álá madness
àlà earth, ground, land
àlà ézè kingdom
álụ́ heavy
álụ̄ abomination
àmàlà grace
àmàmífé wisdom
àmàrà grace
ámōósú witch
ámụ́ smile, laugh
ámụ́má prophecy
àmụ̀mà lightning
ànà earth, ground, land
ànà ézè kingdom
ànị̀ earth, ground, land
ànọ́ four
ánụ́ meat
ánụ́mànụ̀ animal
áṅụ̄ bee
áṅụ̀lị́ joy
ánwà that
ánwụ̄ sunshine
ánwụ́ ńtà mosquito
ánwụ́lụ̀ smoke