
Audio Igbo-English Dictionary

Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.


ánwụ́rụ̀ smoke

ányá far, eye

ányá ḿmīlī tear

ányánwụ̄ sun

ányàsị̀ night

ànyị́ us, we

àpà scar

árá madness

árị́rị́ insect

árọ̀ year

árụ̄ abomination

àrụ́ health, body

àsáà seven

àsị́ lie

àsị̀lị̀ gossip

ásị́sá sponge(for dishes)

ásọ́ saliva

àtọ́ three

átụ́rụ̄ sheep

áwélē good luck

áwọ́ gray

áwọ̀ toad

ázụ̀ fish

àzụ́ back


-bà enter

-bá m̀bá chastise

-bà úrù beneficial

bànyéré about

-bé cry

-bè cut

-bé ákwá cry

bèkéè English

-bèlù perch

-bí reside, live

-bídó start, begin

-bìlì get up

-bú ámụ́má prophesy

-bù íbù big

-búdà bring down(a large object)

-bútù bring down(a large object)

bùúsù cat


-bịá come


-chá colored(the color of), ripen

cháchá at all

-ché wait

-chè think

-chèkwúdó hope

-chètà remember

-chí ascend

-chị́ govern, rule