Audio Igbo-English Dictionary
Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.
èkpéré prayer
ékwéńtị̀ phone
ékwú kitchen
élé antelope
élílí string
élílí áfọ̄ intestine
élō mushroom
élú high
élú ígwē heavens
énú high
ènwè monkey
ényí elephant
ényì friend
ényì-nwáànyị̀ girlfriend
érí thread
érō mushroom
èsè inquiry
èsèmókwú quarrel
ésú millipede
ètítì midst, middle
éwú goat
ézè king
ézē teeth, tooth
ézí good
ézì pig
èzí outside
ézí ókwū truth
ézígbō good
-fé fly
-fè worship
-fíchá wipe
-fíchápụ̀ wipe off
-fó dawn
-fọ́ remain
-fù èfù lost
-fụ́ see
-fụ́ ụ̀fụ́ hurt
-fụ́ ụ́zọ̀ see
-fụ̀tà protrude, get out
-gá go
-gáfè cross, pass
-gè ńtị̀ listen
-gó buy
-gósí show
-góté buy
-gọ́ deny
-gọ́zị́ àgọ́zị́ bless
-gú égwú sing
-gụ́ read
-gbá ghálị́ confound