
Audio Igbo-English Dictionary

Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.


íjè journey

íké ability, power, strength

íkè1 butt

íkè2 butt

ìkíké authority

ìkó cup

íkpé case

íkpèlè knee

ìkwìkwíī owl

ílé tongue

ìlí ten

íló enmity

ìló outside, road

ílú proverb

ímē pregnant

ímí nose

ínú1 proverb

ínú2 bitterness

íré tongue

ìrí ten

író enmity

írò folktale

írú front, face

ìsé five

ísí1 head

ísí2 luck

ísì smell

ìsì blindness

ísí ákā thumb

ìsíì six

ìtè pot

ìtéghété nine

íwé anger

ìwú law

ìzìzì first


-jé walk, go

jí yam

-jì áká sure

-jì ụ́gwọ̄ owe

-jìdè arrest, capture

-jísí hold on

-jú éjú full, abound

-jụ́ ask

-jụ́ ájụ́ refuse