Audio Igbo-English Dictionary
Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.
ògbó sponge(for bathing)
ógwū thorn
ógwùmáàgànà chameleon
òhèrè time
òjí black, dark
óké male
ókè border, boundary
òké mouse, rat
òkè share
ókènyè adult
ókìkóló shell
òkìlìkílí around
òkóló young man
òkólóbià young man
òkòsó top
ókpókóló shell
òkpú hat
òkpú-ézè crown
òkpúlù under
òkpúrù under
ókwú word
òkwùkwé faith
òmùmé behavior
òmúmú birth
ònémòné few
ónú voice, neck
ónwú death
ónyé person
ónyé álā lunatic
ónyé áṅụ́máṅụ́ drunkard
ónyé ńkúzí teacher
ónyé órī thief
ònyìnyé gift
órī theft
ósè pepper
òsíkápá rice
òsìsè drawing
ósísí tree
òtòlò diarrhea
ótú manner, way
ótù one
òtù group
ótùbò navel
òtùtó praise
òwú thread
óyī cold
òyìbó English
ózí errand, message
ózú corpse
ọ̀bàlà blood