Audio Igbo-English Dictionary
Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.
ńsògbú problem, trouble
ńsọ́ holy
ǹshị́kọ̄ crab
ńtá hunt
ńtà small
ńtá ákụ́kọ́ journalism
ǹtì cheek
ńtị̀ ear
ńtùtù hair(on the head)
ńtùtù ányā eyelash
ńtụ́ ash
ǹtụ́tụ̄ needle
-nụ́1 understand(a language), hear
-nụ́2 marry
ǹyọ̀ sieve
ńzùbé plan
ńzùkó meeting
ǹzúzó secrecy
ńzúzù foolishness
-nwà try
nwáànyị̀ woman
nwáńnē sibling
nwáyọ̀ easy, gently
-nwé have
nwóbélē small
nwókē man
-nwú shine
nwúnyè wife
-nwụ́ ánwụ́ die
óbē cross, ladder
óbérē small
óbì heart
òbòdò country, town
óché chair
óché ézè throne
ófé soup
ófílí ísī pillow
òfú one
òfùfè worship
òfúkē one
ógè time
ògèdè plantain
ógólógó tall, long
ógónógó tall, long