Audio Igbo-English Dictionary
Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.
ḿbè tortoise
m̀bèlèdé suddenly
ḿbídó beginning
ḿbọ́ nail
ḿbọ̀sị̀ day
m̀bụ́ first, beginning
m̀bụ́zụ̀ cricket
-mé happen, do
-mébì break, spoil
-méchí close
-méghé open
-métụ́ áká touch
m̀fé easy
m̀gbá wrestling
m̀gbè time
ḿgbèdè evening
ḿgbị́lị́ḿgbá bell
-mì èmì deep
ḿkpà necessary, important
m̀kpà scissors
ḿkpálị́ insult
ḿkpésá complaint
m̀kpí he-goat
m̀kpị́sị́ digit
m̀kpị́sị́ ákā finger
m̀kpọ́ walking stick
ḿkpọ́tụ́ noise
m̀kpúmè stone, rock
ḿkpụ́lụ̄ seed
ḿmà knife
m̀mádụ̀ human
ḿmánụ́ oil, palm oil
ḿmánụ́ áṅụ̄ honey
ḿmánwụ́ masquerade(cultural)
ḿmányá wine
m̀mányá wine
ḿméhiè sin
ḿmílī water
ḿmírī water
ḿmụ̀tá learning
-mụ́ ámụ́ laugh
-mụ̀tà learn