Audio Igbo-English Dictionary
Below is a collection of Igbo words listed alphabetically and spelled with their tone marks. Multiple variants of the same word can be listed to account for multiple dialects. Also several homograms (different words with the same spelling) exist in Igbo language. These are indicated with superscript numerals. To hear a word's prononciation, click it to see more information.
ńchà soap
ǹchá all
ǹdè million
ńdí people
ǹdìdì patience
ǹdú guide
ńdùrù dove
ńdụ̀ alive, life
ǹdụ̀mọ́dụ́ advice
-né ányá expect, look forward, look
-néné watch
ǹgáná laziness
ǹgàzị̀ spoon
ńgọ́zị́ blessing
ńghọ́tá understanding
ǹgwèlè1 lizard
ǹgwèlè2 lizard
níīlē all
ńjọ́ ugly
ńká old age
ńkásị̀ comfort
ńkàtá conversation
ǹkàtà basket
ńkị́rị́ká ragged
ńkị́tā dog
ǹkị́tị́ ordinary
ńkọ́ sharp
ńkọ́wá explanation
ǹkù wing
ǹkúmè stone, rock
ńkúzí teaching
ńkụ́ firewood
ńkwà1 promise
ńkwà2 promise
ńlọ́ dream
ńnà father
ńní food
ńnú salt
ńnúkwū big
ńnụ̀nụ̀ bird
ńnwá child
-nó swallow
-nọ̀chị̀ replace
-nọ̀dụ̀ remain, stay
-nọ̀dụ̀ àlà sit down, sit
-nọ́tá return(home)
ńrí food
ńrọ́ dream
ǹsị́ poop
ǹsó near